The Delhi High Court declined the plea of prominent music composer Anandji Virji Shah for staying the release of tennis star Mahesh Bhupathi`s debut Bollywood movie "Chalo Dilli", starring his wife Lara Dutta, for violating copyright by remixing his popular song "Laila o Laila".
Anandji, who with his brother Kalyanji, had composed music for many films, had approached the court alleging that the filmmaker has violated the copyright by making a remix of "Laila o Laila" from the 1980s film "Qurbani", directed by Feroz Khan.
"Let the film be released on April 29," Justice Manmohan Singh said, issuing notice to the director and producer of the movie and seeking their response by May 12.
Filing a civil suit, Anandji sought an order restraining the filmmakers from issuing any audio CD or DVD with the remix of the song.
He also claimed damages of Rs.1 crore from the EROS International Media, the producer of "Chalo Dilli", contending the filmmakers should have obtained his permission for the remix. He also argued he was entitled to receive royalty for the remix of the song.
"It is shocking to find that the music composition contained in the song `Laila o Laila` in the film Chalo Dilli is slavish and a distorted version," said Anandji.