Talking to a daily, “Kareena had earlier demanded Rs. 8 crore. After several meetings, she has now decided to slash her fee. However, she will now be a part of the profit sharing rights. The producers have worked it out in a way that Kareena ends up getting Rs. 8 crore out of the project.”
Not long ago, when Kareena hiked her fee and demanded a whopping sum of Rs. 8 crore from the filmmaker, after some serious discussion, Bhandarkar, UTV and Kareena reached an understanding where the actress will reduce her fee and will be sharing profits with the producer, filmmaker and co-star Arjun Rampal.
Apparently, Kareena will be the first actress who will be sharing profits in the film while Aamir, Salman, SRK and Imran have done the same in the past.
“Imran took a profit sharing for ‘Break Ke Baad.’ Salman has been signing all his films these days and sharing profits for them. In Bollywood, the trend is such that the bigger the actor becomes the higher their fees get. Profit sharing thus, seems to be the best form of payment. Kareena is the first female actor to have entered this space,” added the source.
Not long ago, when Kareena hiked her fee and demanded a whopping sum of Rs. 8 crore from the filmmaker, after some serious discussion, Bhandarkar, UTV and Kareena reached an understanding where the actress will reduce her fee and will be sharing profits with the producer, filmmaker and co-star Arjun Rampal.
Apparently, Kareena will be the first actress who will be sharing profits in the film while Aamir, Salman, SRK and Imran have done the same in the past.
“Imran took a profit sharing for ‘Break Ke Baad.’ Salman has been signing all his films these days and sharing profits for them. In Bollywood, the trend is such that the bigger the actor becomes the higher their fees get. Profit sharing thus, seems to be the best form of payment. Kareena is the first female actor to have entered this space,” added the source.
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